Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Naruto - Madara Uchiha Vs Pein

The story is now coming to a point where you are made to wonder who will take charge of the Akatsuki. It is of course going to be one of two, either Nagato with his controlled bodies of Pein or Madara so really its a battle between the best Sharingan user and the best Rinnengan user. So, which is more powerful, Rinnengan or Sharingan?

We only know a little about the Rinnengan so we assume it only has one state and in that state its said to be the most superior of the three Ocular Kekkai Genkai. We do know that apparently the first user of the Rinnengan, the Sage of Six Paths is said to have founded the ninja world and know all ninjutsu. Also, something probably not worth mentioning is that he apparently created the moon with the technique Chibaku Tensei. Along with Chibaku Tensei, it is thought that BanshM Ten'in and Shinra Tensei are among the techniques that come with possesion of the Rinnengan, techniques which basically grant the user to control gravity and push/pull objects from their own centre.

The Sharingan on the other hand has three main states, normal Sharingan which gives the ability to read movements, copy jutsu and cast basic genjutsu.

Then there is the Mangekyo Sharingan, acquired by killing somebody close to you. Abilities depend on the user but so far we've seen the Mangekyo giving abilities such as powerful genjutsu and space/time distortion. Examples are Itachi's Tsukuyomi which casts the victim under genjutsu and enables the user to control time along with everything in the created world and Kakashi's only know Mangekyo technique which gives him the ability to distort space and transport objects to other dimensions. Black flames called the Amaterasu that burn until it consumes the target is another technique used by Itachi. The downside to the Mangekyo is that the user eventually ends up blind if they overuse it which brings us on to the next Sharingan level, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

The EMS is aquired when an Uchiha with Mangekyo recieves another Uchiha (who also has Mangekyo) members eyes, this merges the two patterns of these Mangekyo to make one and gives the user 'Eternal Light' meaning the user will not become blind if he uses the Mangekyo's abilities a lot. We are told that with the EMS comes many new Mangekyo jutsu so we can only imagine what other abilities Madara has since we've already seen him make any jutsu pass through his body.

From what we've seen I'd like to think that the EMS would prevail over the Rinnengan and unless Naruto kills Nagato in the upcoming manga or the story suddenly ends then I hope we will see a Sharingan vs Rinnengan battle sometime soon!

Check out our Naruto forum for discussions of a similar nature, thanks for reading!

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Naruto Episode Guide - Naruto 2

Episode 2 of the Naruto anime series starts off with Naruto taking a bizarre photo for his ninja registration. Clueless as to what is expected of him in the photo, the photo is later rejected by the Hokage. Dispite the Naruto oriented beginning, this episode mainly focuses on Naruto meeting Konohamaru, the grandson of the Third Hokage.

After realizing that Naruto doesn't treat Konohamaru like everyone else in the village, Konohamaru decides to adopt Naruto as his "boss", which is met with much dismay by his tutor. Naruto reluctantly takes Konohamaru under his wing and begins teaching him about "Catcha", what we soon find out to be the mispronounced word for "Chakra". Konohamaru is most interested in learning Naruto's sexy no jutsu, where he transforms himself into a beautiful, and normally nude, version of himself as a distraction technique.

First, Naruto tries to get Konohamaru to "henge" (Japanese for "transform") into a pretty local woman. The transformation is performed unsuccessfully and Naruto gets all of the blame as the woman attacks him for the misshapen version of her. Next Naruto takes Konohamaru to a local bookstore and they flip through a magazine of girls in bathing suits. As soon as they are noticed, the store clerk gives Naruto another mild beating for looking at magazines that he's not supposed to. For Naruto's last lesson, he takes Konohamaru to the woman's public bath. Naruto is recognized soon after entering and is given his third beating for the day. It's safe to say that Naruto is quite the pervert for a 12 year old.

Details of Naruto's past are explained in this episode, including how he became the Kyubi (9 tailed fox beast) and why everyone looks at him so coldly. There is also a hint to who Naruto's father is, something that won't be disclosed until way farther on into the manga series. All in all, you are given a pretty good idea as to why life has been so hard for Naruto.

Winding down towards the end of this episode, Naruto realizes that him and Konohamaru aren't so different. Konohamaru is looked at differently by the entire village just because he is the grandson of the Third Hokage. The episode ends with Konohamaru announcing that him and Naruto are now rivals since they both desire to become Hokage. This sudden change from friends to rivals is also due to Naruto saying that Konohamaru will have to beat him to become Hokage. Either way, Konohamaru will look up to Naruto many episodes into the future, and they will form a relationship that will last throughout the entire anime and manga series.

If you love Naruto, you should join my new 100% free Konoha Naruto Forums. At Konoha Naruto, you'll find articles just like this one, a forum, and a store dedicated to Naruto merchandise. If you're a true Naruto fan, you should definitely check it out.

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Naruto Unleashed

Naruto is a typical boy with bright blue eyes like those of the sky; he has a spiky blond hair. What Naruto hates the most is his height which make easily angry when teased by his classmates. During part one, Naruto is the shortest in his class. But things were not meant like to be like what it is before because Naruto has a significant growth during Part two which is seen by no other than Sakura. She says that Naruto is very much taller than her and she was out grown by him. Even Kiba Inuzuka notice that Naruto had become a giant.

Naruto often wore his favorite orange jacket with blue on the upper shoulders area, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, a red swirl on the back, and a big white collar as well as orange pants, blue sandals, and a blue forehead protector that was given to him by Iruka after he had graduated from the Ninja Academy. His made him the look of a warrior whoeat too much and laugh loudly but fight with his heart, unafraid in every battle.

After his training with Jiraiya, Naruto becomes a good looking, handsome and pleasing in his own ego. With his orange, white and red swirls in his red coat with black flaming designs at the bottom, and a large summoning scroll on his back, the boy was neglect to be noticed was now the apple of the eye, even girls cant resist the new aura Naruto had. He is noticeably cool in his fit jacket with a black in color in upper shoulder. He becomes more appealing in his forehead protector with the metal portion to a new longer black bandana, he is now wearing a black sandals instead of his old blue sandals which he wore in part 1.

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Naruto - 5 Steps to Become the Hokage

It's 9 o' clock in the morning. You begin your day with a routine breakfast and a shower and have big dreams. In Naruto's case, to be acknowledged by the villagers by becoming the hokage. So, while walking to the academy with proper attire along with equipment and forgetting the past and looking forward to a challenging future with a bright smile, what are the obstacles that Naruto must overcome to become the hokage:

Ninja Ranking System


The lowest level of the ninja ranking system in the Naruto world. The students learn through broad theoretical ninja abilities, also known as jutsus and perform basic jutsus such as the replacement technique whereby the user has the ability to replicate himself or other people that he desires to replicate. Students graduate from the academy by passing the final exam.


Achieved after graduating from the ninja academy by wearing a headband which symbolizes their respective village. The ninja's life begins here as they are exposed to different levels of mission and apply their jutsus during battles. Ninjas are expect to perform D rank jutsus like simple replication technique.


After a few missions, the students would enter into the chuunin exams divided into 3 stages; multiple choice test, forest of death and sudden death tournament to complete the whole exam.

The exams are slightly different to genin as the ninjas have to work together in order to accomplish their common goal.

For instance, in Forest of Death, both Sasuke and Naruto combined their efforts to overcome a group of ninja from the rain village to gather one of the scrolls required in the mission.

The exam also test the ninja's ability to make the right decisions and working as a team.


The jounins normally perform B rank jutsus and have the responsibility to protect the village as a whole. They also have to seek new missions and lead their own team like for example, Kakashi of Team 7, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Some jounins tend to participate in specialized jounins or ANBU which is a group that conduct top secret missions and must conceal their true identity from the other ninjas.


The highest ranking ninja in the Naruto world. Ultimately posses all the rank jutsus from A to S but more commonly posses the A rank and S rank jutsus also known as kinjutsus or "forbidden" jutsus which cause harm to the user. The most notable example is the sealing jutsu performed by the fourth hokage in sealing the kyuubi into Naruto's body. Other examples are Naruto's ability to perform kage bunshins and the cursed seal technique performed by Sasuke.

Also known as one of the most powerful ninja in one of the 5 powerful countries; Konohagakure (Hokage), Sunagakure (Kazekage), Kirigakure (Mizukage), Kumogakure (Raikage) and Iwagakure (Tsuchikage).

The leader of the ninja society, treated as being equal with the rulers of their country, oversees the activities of their villages, sometimes consult with the higher ups people, sending and allocate teams into missions and making decisions regarding the safety of the village.

But what's the bigger picture for the village?

Only a few elite ninjas achieve the ultimate position along with equipping powerful jutsus, bloodline limits and forbidden techniques. But being at the highest level like for instance, the hokage is not just about having knowledge on all types of jutsu as Sarutobi, the third hokage once emphasized that being the hokage is about relentless determination and willing to sacrifice for others to pass on to the newer and ever stronger generations.

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Naruto Update

For those of you who are interested in the Naruto anime and manga series, this Naruto update is a great way to get caught up fast. Some people don't like go back and watch all of the episodes that they have missed. Some people want to know what's happening in the manga that hasn't yet happened in the anime. Well folks, here is your Naruto update in one quick and easy read.

Naruto Uzumaki, the main character of the Naruto manga and anime series, starts out as an attention starved brat with little skills. He isn't well liked by most of the people in his village due to having a Kyubi, a nine tailed demon fox, inside of him that destroyed the village and killed many of the villagers and ninjas a long time ago. It takes Naruto a while to build relations and make friends.

Naruto graduates the ninja academy and is put into a team with two other ninjas and a sensei, known as Team 7. Naruto grows with his team mates through many missions. However, when he goes to graduate to from Genin to Chunin, a higher ninja level, unforeseen events hamper his progression. After this point, his best friend and team mate leaves the village to become a stronger ninja. Naruto goes after him, they fight, and Naruto looses.

There is a time jump in the series while Naruto goes to train with Jaraiya, a much stronger ninja. After his training, Naruto promptly leaves, along with the rest of his comrades, to go search for Sasuke, Naruto's best friend who left the village to become stronger. During this time, Naruto and his comrades face the Akatsuki, a powerful group of ninja who are after the Kyubi inside of Naruto.

Naruto and his comrades defeat several of the Akatsuki members. Unfortunately, Sasuke has also joined up with Akatsuki, and now Naruto's comrades are out to kill him because he has become a threat to their village, Konoha. While very brief, this Naruto update should have you caught up to date, for now.

For a more detailed description of the events that have taken place in the Naruto anime and manga series, come check out how the series has progressed through each character's eyes at Konoha Naruto.

Konoha Naruto has detailed character bios, pictures, and Naruto definitions.

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Naruto Character Profile - Hyuga Neji

Neji is a member of the Hyuga clan and possesses the Byakugan. He is a child prodigy and a genius. But as a member of a branch family of the Hyuga clan he is ineligible to learn their most secret techniques. Despite this however, he has managed to deduce their workings simply through observation, and has learned many of them.

Neji is highly proficient with the Gentle Fist style of hand-to-hand combat, which, in combination with the byakugan is used to attack an enemy's Chakra pathway system (the network of vessels which carry chakra), thus causing internal injury.

On the third birthday of Hinata (his cousin) when Neji was four years old, he was branded with the Main family's Juinjutsu which serves two purposes. The first is to seal their byakugan ability when they die (shielding its secrets from enemies) and the second is to control the branch family members with the ability to destroy their brain cells with a secret hand seal.

A night soon after this, an incident occurred involving the main family's Hiashi (Neji's uncle and his father's twin brother) which could result in war for Konoha. To avoid this, Neji's father sacrificed himself. Neji mistakenly believed that the main branch had forced him to do so, and from this he developed a fierce grudge against them.

His feeling of oppression from the main family resulted in him adopting a fatalism philosophy - "fate is something decided at birth and no matter what one does, people cannot escape their destiny". Neji attempts to condescend Naruto during their Chuunin exam match saying "that someone who is weak will always remain weak" but this fails and he goes on to be defeated. Naruto then suggests that if a "failure" like himself can change his destiny, a "genius" like Neji can, too.

After this match, and having been proven wrong, he abandons his philosophy. He also learns the truth about his father's sacrifice and is given the opportunity to resolve his estranged relationships with members of the main family by training with their leader (his uncle).

Neji is a member of Team Guy, along with Tenten and Rock Lee. During the two and a half year time skip between Part 1 and Part 2, when all the other rookie team members have advanced to Chuunin, Neji has gone one step further and advanced to Jounin - further emphasizing his abilities as a genius.

He is one of the best examples of the true talent which resides in Konoha, along with the likes of Naruto and Shikamaru. He trains constantly and vigorously. This is one character which deserves your attention.

If you enjoy Naruto it might not be a bad idea to get involved in a community. Check out the Konoha-Village Naruto Ninja Forums.

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Naruto - Live Action Show

With the announcement that actors have been cast, news of the Naruto live action show has spread rapidly.

The show, which will combine live stage with video to give a "seamless transition" from stage to screen, premiers on July 18th and will feature "dynamic action sequences". The show will run daily from the premier date through to August 31st with 40 shows playing altogether.

There will be four collectible fans to get your hands on when you order your tickets from the USJ website, and there will also be popcorn packets with original Naruto illustrations.

So how well will the cast of the show portray their characters. They would certainly have similarities as far as looks are concerned, but it's unlikely that they would have any striking similarities as anime tends to exaggerate features. One commenter remarked "Well, its not like it's easy to find a 50 year old with huge boobs."

Though the thought of seeing this show is exiting, one can't help but wonder whether this is merely a stepping stone for Universal Studios to bring a live action Naruto movie to the big screen. It's possible that this is simply an attraction to bring visitors to their theme park, but when you're dealing with money hungry movie companies it's hard to believe they are not considering something more.

Putting on this show would present them with a perfect opportunity to research the fans interest in seeing a live action film by observing how well tickets sell and also how the audience react to the show - do they like it despite the limitations of live action as opposed to animation?

Looking at Dragonball Evolution as an example we can clearly see that Hollywood does not know how to translate anime into a movie. Amongst other things they like to Americanize it (or Westernize if you prefer), and Eastern elements are lost. And looking again at DB Evolution I think we can say with some confidence that it was not created by anime fans, or genuine fans anyway.

Whatever their motive for producing this show I'm sure it will present itself in time. Before that time though, anyone floating around in Japan should definitely make a point to catch the show.

If you enjoy Naruto it might not be a bad idea to get involved in a community. Check out the Konoha-Village Naruto Forums.

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Anime Review - Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

What do you get when you mix Dragonball Z and Ninjas together? You get Naruto. Naruto is an very long, but entertaining anime. The first series running about 220 episodes and the second series, Shippuden, running about 150 episodes, yet it is big even today. It has some of the most interesting story arcs you can find, and the animation is top notch. But with an anime this large there doesn't seem to be an end in sight yet. So how much longer can this anime go on before losing the attention of Otakus?

Now the first place any reviewer should start for this anime is the characters. This anime has a lot of characters. In every story arc they create new good and bad guys, go into there back stories, and by the end of the arc you grow to love them. This here is the reason why most fanfic writers love this anime. When you get so many characters, you can have a lot of material to write. But Characters are not enough to create a great anime, you need a story.

The story is amazing. It is moved along completely by the characters, with very little out side force. Story arcs are all different and entertaining, with the exceptions of the fillers, the story is really good. But as I said, there are a few things dragging down the story, and you can't talk about Naruto with out talking about them.

First, it is long. If you have a low attention span, then some of the longer story arcs feel like a task getting through. The last story arch lasted 20 episodes! Then there is the evil every Naruto fan knows all about: fillers. Filler arcs are used when an anime that is based off of a manga, like Naruto, catches up with the manga. They are used to kill time till the manga is far enough out that they can continue on with the story without problems. Now I will be honest, I haven't watched every filler episode, for a reason. Naruto has 3 years worth of fillers, and by the time I got to them Shippuden came out. Now Shippuden creators have made some interesting fillers as of late, fitting them into the story by filling some holes that the manga didn't, so hopefully this means they are trying a little more to make quality fillers.

Naruto is really good, for the most part it is fun and entertaining, the characters are good and the story is interesting, and if they keep up what they are doing, then I think this anime would be worth watching till the end. You can check out Naruto on Hulu.

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Review of Naruto Shippuden Story Arc One

Since this is essentially a restart of the series they needed to reconnect us to the characters. I don't want to give too much away if you are still watching the original series, but at this point Sasuke is with Orochimaru and Naruto has gone off to train for two and a half years.

The series starts with Naruto's return and his reconnection to his friends (and vicariously us). At this same time; to keep the action moving, two members of the group that are after the tailed demons are moving in on the village of sand. Their goal is Garra.

Battles abound throughout this Arc, since they wanted to keep the action fans happy. The real story is in the new maturity level of Naruto, and the rest of the characters. Sakura has advanced considerably under the eye of Lady Tsunade, and an early segment with Kakashi testing Naruto and Sakura is very fun.

The only complaint I have, is that they jumped back into the action a little too fast for my taste. Even one or two more episodes with more of naruto reconnecting with his friends, would have added to the restart of the series. As is, they still did pretty well. Letting several of the supporting cast; including team guy and some old friends from the Sand Village, get some good air time.

Naruto's ability to change even the most jaded individuals comes into play, and some interesting things are set up for later. The biggest revelations in this arc involve Akatsuki (the group after the tailed demons). We get to see something of what they're up to and the extreme methods they are using. We also get to see the whole group for the first time.

I will give this story Arc the Following ratings:
Story Development: B+ -Several important events occur in this story arc, but they could have spent more time in some areas.
Action: A -I doubt I will ever rate this under A, the action is superb as always.
Arc Story: C+ -They should have spent a bit more time on Naruto's return, and some less important parts seem to drag on forever.

Overall I will say it's a B+ story Arc.

My name is Ryan and I am a long time fan of Anime. From my early days watching Toonami, to my late nights tracking down hard to find series. The Professional Time Killer

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Naruto Vs Naruto Shippuden

I'm going to discuss what I like about each series and compare them.

What I really enjoy about the original Naruto show was the friendships. The relationships between Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. The series maintains a youthful innocents, and progression of comradeship. The development of Naruto's relationship with Sasuke is a pivotal area of the plots.

Naruto desperately want to be recognized, after being ignored and reviled by the village growing up. Sasuke is the best Ninja student of his class, so Naruto connects him with respect. If he can make Sasuke respect him, everyone else will have to as well. Being someone that was picked on constantly in school I identify heavily with Naruto and his never say die attitude.

Naruto Shippuden takes place starting roughly 2 1/2 years after the first series ended. Now I almost have to say I like Shippuden better than the original show. Some of the innocence is gone, and there is a more melancholy pathos to the series, but the maturity lends Naruto and the other characters something the program needed. Seriousness.

Shippuden also greatly deals with the concept of power bringing danger and responsibility. With Naruto trying to find ways of eliminating his dependence on the 9 tailed fox for power, and also risking his own health with his special Rasengan attack.

All the major elements of the series are still present, but with a greater maturity level. The comedy also takes on a slightly greater level of sophistication, without detracting from the slapstick style the show has always had.

I will say that if you are looking to see which one is better, you need to watch the original first. This isn't like Gundum where one generally has nothing to do with the others. Naruto Shippuden is a continuation of the original. If you start with it, you will be lost.

I look forward to seeing where the program will progress from here. If my deductive reasoning is correct, the series will probably jump a few years again soon. Only time will tell, but I enjoy the show and can never wait till the next episode comes out.

My name is Ryan and I am a long time fan of Anime. From my early days watching Toonami, to my late nights tracking down hard to find shows. The Professional Time Killer Article Source:

Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 1 - 3

Here we will discuss about some of the main themes of the animated series Naruto Shippuden. This is one of the well known animated series in Japan. This series has a wonderful story line and most of the episodes come out with a good story line.

The episode one will mainly focus on Naruto Uzumaki who will return to a village called Konoha after 2 and a half year of journey with Jairaiya. Naruto, who is a rank holder of Genin, is introduced to his old peer, who is also advanced to the chunin rank. This episode will also introduce the two members of the Akatsuki who move towards the Sunagakure to capture the village leader, Gaara.

The Episode two of Naruto Shippuden is all about Akatsuki who is planning to make a move towards the Naruto. After this, Jairaiya will inform Kakashi Hatake about the plan of Akatsuki collecting the tailed beasts that is in the Demon Fox form which is actually located inside the body of Naruto. The life of Naruto is in danger since he leaves his village. Therefore, Kakashi will take the responsibility of the safety of Naruto and he will train and teach all the skills to Naruto. After the training Kakashi will give a test to Naruto and Sakura to check their skills and to known how much they have improved. In the same time Sasori and Deidara who are members of Akatsuki, will arrive at the entrance of Sunagakure.

Episode three of Naruto Shippuden is all about Sakura and Naruto who has to take up a test that is given by Kakashi. This test will include two jingle bells which are handled by Kakashi and it is Sakura and Naruto who should forcefully take these two jingle bells their trainer from Kakashi. There are also many more interesting episodes of Naruto Shippuden.

Aleem Asghar has multiple interests and he enjoys talking about them. As a fan of Animes, he likes to Watch Naruto Shippuuden Online and listen to Naruto MP3 at the best Naruto site with the newest Naruto Shippuden out first.

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Naruto Uzumaki - The Beginning of the Greatest Ninja Story

As we all know Naruto is an incredible manga created by the famous Masashi Kishimoto adapted to anime by Hayato Date. Naruto starts as a troublemaker, unpredictable, noisy kid, who only wants to be acknowledged by everyone. Naruro Uzumaki will do anything to become Hokage (Greatest ninja and leader of the village hidden in the leaf) and change the way everybody looks at him.

He received a gift and a course when he only was a baby when the 4th Hokage in order to save the village sacrificed his life using a forbidden technique called the shinki Fujin and sealed a nine tailed demon fox inside him in order to protect the village. Because of that everyone looks down on him and thinks of him as a monster, they regarded him as th Kyubi. But he has a unique way of seeing life and will change the hearts of anyone around him by talking to them, showing a unique tenacity or fighting with all his might.

At the beginning of the series Naruto does not seem to brilliant, he has failed a couple of times the exam to become a ninja, and he is even tricked by a traitor to steal a forbidden scroll convinced that he could achieve graduation from the ninja academy if he could master any of the techniques within. Luckily for us he finds out with the help of his academy teacher that he has been tricked and fights the traitor saving the scroll and his teacher. From that moment on Naruto becomes an official member of the ninja world and has to begin working in missions and assignments guided by Kakashi sensei as a member of team 7 whit the love of his life Sakura and his formal rival Sasuke.

The story will take us through the growth of Naruto and his friends showing us the deep bonds forged between them, their families and thoughts. They will try to surpass and protect each other through a lot of complicated situations, fighting twisted and evil people whose purposes vary from destroying the village because of revenge to dominate the war business in order to conquer the world or achieve a fake peace. I invite you to come and watch for yourself this incredible series which have been around us over a decade teaching kids and adults an incredible way of fighting for what they want, never giving up and trusting their hearts at all times.

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Naruto Biographies

For those who don't watch Naruto regularly, it can be hard to keep up with all of the Naruto biographies. This article is designed to get you associated with some of the main characters from the Naruto anime and manga series. Below is some short Naruto biograpies of some of the most important characters in the series.

Naruto Uzumaki - The main character of the Naruto anime and manga series. He is the kid with spikey blonde hair and whisker like markings on his face.

Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto Uzumaki's best friend and rival. He is the kid with the jet black hair spiked up in the back and the Sharingan eyes, characterized by being red with a black swirl symbol around the pupil.

Sakura Haruno - Naruto Uzumaki's love interest. She is the girl with the pink hair, green eyes, and pink outfit. She starts out in the anime and manga being pretty useless, but eventually becomes a great medical ninja.

Kakashi Hatake - The leader of Team 7. He is Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's sensei once they graduate the ninja academy. He has tall spiky gray hair, wears a face mask, and has one Sharingan eye.

Sai - A member of the ANBU black ops who was brought in to replace Sasuke in Team 7. He has short black hair, wears a half shirt, and specializes in art type jutsu.

Yamato - A member of the ANBU black ops who was brought in to help restrain Naruto's Kyubi. He has large creepy looking brown eyes and specializes in wood style jutsu.

Jaraiya - One of the three legendary Sannin. He is brought in to train Naruto in powerful jutsu. Naruto looks up to him as a mentor, sensei, and father figure.

I hope you have enjoyed these short Naruto biographies. To learn the most about each character, you should watch the show. You can download new versions of Naruto Shippuden every Thursday.

For more detailed Naruto character bios, please visit Konoha Naruto.

Konoha Naruto has detailed character bios, pictures, and Naruto definitions.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010